Monday, September 2, 2013

Transitioning, I'm doing it wrong

Most of my garden packs for "cool weather plants" are indicating that it is time to start getting those leafy greens in the ground. It appears that according to the gods that pack those seeds in the hermetically sealed envelopes, August and September are the transition to fall weather, in zone 'orange'.

So I have begun my winter veg plans:  picking plants; beets, broccoli, and brussels, celery, carrots, leeks and lettuce.  Checking my handy dandy companion guide (companion guide Magic Garden Nursery )and planning out where things will go. (trying to avoid another round of 'mystery' veggies). And trying to refresh my soil for these heavy feeds with compost as hot guys die off. (This compost process is probably the most stressful garden planning I have...what is so difficult about garden trash? I'll tell you another time)

But apparently the weather did not get the memo from the seed packers...

High's in the low 100's is technically a transition from high's in the 110's!
So while this is technically a transition we are NOT yet in fall weather, heck this is still hotter than other peep's summer. So while I had gotten prepared for planting my first winter garden it is back to summer maintenance around here. (Especially as some of my summer weather plants have decided to finally wake up.  I went out to a deserted corner the other day and found some late blooming somethings, mystery plants...Time will tell what they are, its been months with nothing popping up over there so I have no clue what/when I planted those little guys.)  It is back to watering, watering, watering and trying to prevent sunburn. .  Guess we will just have to wait...

The plus is I will be getting one more sweet round of tomatoes, beans, squash, cukes and whatever that is:

a buncha new fellas
2nd set of leaves-at least he's happy 

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