Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The first Official Beneficial (Aphids Cinco de Octobre)

Well, back from vacation and things don't look much better..

In fact the aphids look worse. But wait, Look Closer

And Closer

Mummies and Parasitic Wasps. I returned to Arbico-Organics to confirm that what I had was finally a breakthrough. IT WAS! My first OFFICIAL BENEFICIAL.  These guys are also really awesome. They are stingless wasps that lay an egg INSIDE of the aphid. That "mummy" in the second picture is actually a swollen aphid that has turned into a cocoon! A second wasp will be flying out of a hole in its belly some day soon. (Nature is SO gross)

I was also confirmed that the aphid infestation is bad, really bad.  So I picked up bottle of Neem Oil to spray down some of this invasion. I have some mixed feelings about this move.  I was told not to worry too much about harming my wasp-he has wings so he will fly away.  Plus Neem is pretty natural stuff, in fact its the original tooth-stick .  It will also work as a fungicide, one of the side effects of aphids sticking their little mouths where they don't belong, is the introduction of fungus into your healthy plants.  So I will be using the spray but I will only be spraying the neem oil in a few of the MOST infested parts of the garden. Just enough to knock down the numbers and give these wasps a second to come through. 

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